A mock interview can help you land your next job

Good jobs will always have tremendous competition.  The higher the compensation or more highly regarded the organization, then the higher the number of applicants.  Once you get past the gatekeepers and have the opportunity to land that job, you need to take the next steps to ace the interview.  Mock interviews and interview coaching are the best ways to get you prepared and confident for that opportunity.

 What is a Mock Interview?

A mock interview is a simulated dress rehearsal, with a job interview coach or career professional, to help you prepare and strategize for future job interview(s). Traditional, technical and behavioral interviewing questions will be presented and you will be asked to respond, as in a real interview setting. After or sometimes during the mock interview, you will be given constructive feedback regarding your interviewing style and how you responded to the questions.  

A mock interview takes different interview scenarios and let you role play on how to act, present yourself and answer the interviewer's questions.  A good interview coach will know what type of interview to simulate and what type of questions to ask to get you prepared.  

The mock interview focuses on making sure you highlight your background and experience along with minimizing any negatives.  They will also review how well you know the industry that you are targeting, and how well you can articulate your knowledge and what is on your resume. You get the most out of your mock interview if you treat it as you would an actual job interview.

Mock interviewing is an opportunity to practice interview questions and responses before attending an actual interview. There are many potential questions you may be asked in an interview, as outlined in the types of interview questions section (behavioral, technical and traditional).  After the mock interview is over, the interviewer gives constructive feedback, such as thinking of examples to use in the interview, strong handshake, assisting using proper eye contact, appropriate attire and eliminating distracting gestures.


What is the purpose of a Mock Interview?

Interviewing can be like a golf swing, through practice, you improve, increase comfort and confidence and develop a certain mussel memory without being over rehearsed.  All while learning the different aspects of the interview process and enhancing interviewing skills. 

A career professional can breakdown what you are doing well and what you need to improve, from posture, non-verbal language and other keys to a great interview.

 Recording Mock Interviews

 In today’s YouTube society, video interviews and video resumes are growing in popularity.  A mock video interview will let you see the same thing the interview coach is seeing (energy level, voice inflection, confidence, body posture, how you communicate with your hands, nervous habits).  Your smart phone might be all the technology you need when you practice a video interview.

Interview Final Rehearsal

A great interview can help overcome many deficiencies with your background.  Part of your final rehearsal should include specific question you will ask, research on the company and doing research on who is giving the interview.  Their position and role most likely can be found on LinkedIn.  Practice! Practice! Practice!  A good resume will get you in the door but a good interview can land you the job.

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Most hiring decision are made in the first five minutes of the interview.  You must be prepared for these three common interview questions to give you a dynamic first five minutes.

An Interview Coach can help you avoid fatal flaws that will make you fail the interview.  Win the interview with an interview coach
Call MVPSource today at 704-837-8203

MVPSource Interview Coaching Services

MVP’s Complete Interview Preparation Program helps you better prepare for the screening and interview process.  We will help you develop examples of past accomplishments and how to effectively communicate them; how to address the “Tell me about yourself” question; how to answer standard interview questions while avoiding common pitfalls; how to understand the type of interview you will be having;  how to develop strong questions to ask the interviewer; how to effectively communicate your answers in a STAR format; how to differentiate yourself from other candidates; and how to help you prepare so that you are confident going into an interview process.

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